Monday, July 24, 2006

Time Not Enough!!!

There are so much things i wanna do...
There are so much i wanna say...
There are so much things i wanna blog...
But i just don have enough time...

I wanna rest rest rest...
I wanna sleep sleep sleep...
I am so tired...
I am so strengthless...
I am so helpless...

I feel so weak...
I feel so useless...
I feel so lazy...

I donno wat i wan...
I donno wat i need...

Can someone please tell me.............



她却无缘无故发脾气,很任性的,时时刻刻吵吵嚷嚷。多亏他还会嘟气迁就忍让,哄着她的。她天性并非任性,只是遇上个疼惜她的他, 所以经常都要被哄得。或许是小事缺乏了哎,而大来时就依赖性强。




Tuesday, July 11, 2006




那男女感情间的牺牲呢?又要怎么解释?先别把这种牺牲看成哪一种难堪的情况!普通点来说,当个女生爱上开始变成依赖时,她要他时时刻刻都在身边陪伴自己。 即使了解这位男生要的未必是这种生活,她还是会一直缠绵着要这种生活,导致生活圈子越来越小。若两者都是斗士的大忙人,她会选择他选份较普遍的工作以获取更多的时间陪伴自己。而久为了这吃不消的生活,她宁愿自己辛苦多做来帮补这生活。这我深信就是愚蠢,十分的愚蠢。

那位公司又要怎么算?每天做OT,连加班的薪水一分都没有,可是老板却还是有不满。日日夜夜做个牛为么?公司又不是我们的,拼了老命却还是不受重用,反被呼呼喝喝的还怀疑员工吃蛇偷吃之类的又何必呢?真地想起来做人是否未免太辛苦了啊?忠忠直直的又只会被人玩笨, 转弯太多人总会累坏!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Busy Life...

It has been quite sometime since my last post. Exam ended, so start my busy life in my new company Sorby Marine. This company was set up quite sometime but too bad mo system was done over and account in a real mess, plus another danger is company not doin so well. Thanks to one of the director or so called the "prince" 太子 or 败家仔! Damn he spend like no body business and all personel expenses come to the company. Imagine expenses S$ 28,000++ for one credit card per month, and he owns not only one credit card.

Come to think of it, it's really unfair. We have two directors sharing evenly, and recently a Taiwanese fella joined in too, sharing off equally. I wonder why does the other director not get mad with the "prince". And i relly pity that Taiwanese fella. "Prince" uses him like an extra large waterfish. Already investing USD900,000++ into this small little company, still liquidity is low!

Though the Taiwanese fella maybe a goldmine, still a goldmine would go dry. Moreover his wife is so very petty, questioning so much. One day, they'll find out their investment is into the deep sea nowhere to be found.

Both the director did argue over this issue but it just ended in the mid air without solution. How i wish the Mr Nice director would break up with the "prince". I believe he would not let the company go bad. It's his sweat and blood here. As for the "prince", he has a home running business which he "loaned" from there to run his share here, and the fact we owed his home business the loan he actually used to invest into business. Very funny, he personally borrowed to run business ended up business owe the loan.


Haiz...that's the working life...challenging but yet too many brother brother business...boring! It's such a watse off time, valueless not even commision earned still we have to bear charges for all this "heng dai"!!

Not my business lah! One eye open do my stuff, go home, DONE! Audit soonto come, fortunate not me answering, some so called qualified but not even 1% professional uncle "accountant" will do so. Since he is able to give me a whole list of wrong amount saying it's all "estimated" i hope he passes the audit. If not please pray hard for me to get a job fast!

Phew! One thing good here is working hour 9am - 5pm, latest we go at 5.30pm or later willingly we stay just to clear the mess! responsible i am!

Going home at 5pm give me a huge advantage to cook! Yeah!! I can drink home cook soup by myself! But sometime i'm really out of idea what to cook lol!!

Class starting soon! I'll be rushing so much. I hope i won't collapse!! Tiring, very tiring!! When can this kinda life come to an end??