Monday, November 06, 2006

Damn Bitch

Hey Bitch,

You think you're great? Think twice.
You are no better than a bitch! Bitching and bitching forever!
You are only some years elder than what?
Though you were here a year and half earlier than what?
What do you have? Nothing! Other than a bitchy have shits!
Skyping your home everyday bitching...such a mommy gurl...go home then!
Yacking forever with frens and supplier?...thats so cheap!
Know yourself...know your own shits bitch!
Don't try challenging yourself to fight with me!
In any ways...i'll make you lose!!
I don't flare...not coz i daren't
Just that time not up yet...
But too bad from now on...
My limits are up!
Face i've given enough...
Shame will be on you soon if you still don't know yourself out!
I can be much more bitchy than you do!...
I'll neva lose...especially to a bitch like you!!!!


At 2:46 PM, Blogger ericky said...


some1 is really mad

nvm la come i give hug hug :-)


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