Mixed Chats...
This is a combination of topics and chats from different people. It may not make sense at all...
"FRIENDS REMAIN NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN...TILL THE END..." at least thats what i feel, think and want...
Do not analyze me, I'm unpredictable. Moreover, do not judge me, no one shall, not even myself.
There are a lot of things, things unknown, things hidden, things unpredictable.
There are, too, a lot of chances. Chances are created by oneself, grab by oneself. The chances would grow if only the oneself knew how to create the opportunity, how to grab and how to handle. Chances are always around everyone, it is not to be said given by others, but given by yourself. But, bear in mind of conditions! Chances come golden when the 3W & 1H works along, i.e. Who, Where, When & How...
As a Chinese saying goes 天时,地利,人和...
Do not question me, I'm unanswerable.
There is no answer neither a yes, nor could there be a no.
I do not like to make empty hopes.
I could not bear lying to others, but I've been lying to myself so innocently.
I could not bear hurting anyone, but I've been hurting myself so deeply.
I do not demand for anything. The choice is not mine to be held.
I do not want you waiting for me, for an unworthy, for emptiness.
Yet the choice is yours.
I do wish in my heart someone could wait.
But yet, I hate myself for being selfish.
I hope one day someone will understand me.
But I know it just so impossible, as I can't even understand myself.
I dream one night Peter Pan would bring me to wonderland,
Yet, my mind is too sound and clear.
Life is only once, there is no take two, but, unfortunately, I did!
My mother's saying “Live life fullest, like nobody's matters! Tomorrow's sorrows are not to be known.”
There is no U-turn in life, just live without regrets. But how many can go on without regretting? How many of us actually live the fullest of everyday?
My mind is confused, my nerves are all crossed. My brain has overcooked, and I'm losing controls.
Everyone has a dream. A dream is a dream, is abstract. A dream is a hope, but a hope of emptiness. A dream is easily shattered if you lose control to your dream.
“I wish my dream to come true!” Everyday thousands ad thousands of people would make a wish for their dream, but how many does really come true?
A dream remains a dream. A dream is only in the mind without real action. A dream will never ever come true.
“My dream came true!” Wonder why dream does come true?
The dream is in fact not real, but when you get it moving in reality, it will come true. Things need to be worked on to be achieved. Dream will never come true with only wishes.
The next moment you wishes for your dream to come true again, think twice! Get your butt off and work hard on it then only you would success! You are no longer a kid which needs daddy mommy to grant you the wish...
But how real I am myself???... I doubt still...
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